Friday, September 23, 2011

A new kind of fall, at least for me.

This behavior is perplexing.
This is not how I look in fall.

I turn inward, spend more time at home,
less time running, or swimming or exercising at all, except maybe walking,
which I usually do a lot of in the fall.

This fall I have an obligation. A contract. A commitment.
I have been training for a run. 

A 10 mile run.

It is October 9th in Washington D.C.

My friend Barbara (Barbie) Burger, my close friend from Nepal. ( I was twelve when we were buddies.
We have stayed in touch since then. She is in the Army.... a big wig). She talked me into signing up for the race as a team! We are Helter Skelter! Another friend from Nepal will be running it with us. I have not seen her since we were in 6th grade together at Lincoln School in Kathmandu.
I am so excited, and a little nervous.

I am excited about this mini reunion of friends.
I am also excited about this fall transformation.

Fall is usually a time I move into a mini seasonal depression. Not a deep sadness but a time
of introverted heaven. Spending time with me. Too much time ;o). A home body to the fullest.
This year I have broken that mold and it feels awesome.

I have many friends I can say thanks to, but mostly, something that is really hard for me to do,

I want to say:
 I am proud of myself!!!!, 
for moving outside of my comfort zone and pushing myself to 
"do more and be more" ~ dead poet society quote

So here is to surprising yourself. To seeing a change that was unexpected yet purposeful at the same time.

Here is believing and surrounding yourself with those who also believe.

I have new running shoes. So Watch Out World.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Andrea! Thank you for sharing your wonderful spirit. I'm excited what's around you. Wonderful.


Your words inspire me to do and be more. So do your thoughts but I just can't read them yet! ;)