Monday, July 5, 2010

not exactly how I pictured it

I am not complaining. I have nothing to complain about.
I am a bit disappointed in myself 
and the vision I had of what this summer looked like.

I was sure I would be in the studio everyday working out new 
glazes and trying new clays, earthenware clays.

That has not happened.

I get up, go for a run if Jay is not working early,
do some kind of reading, writing, math with the kids
do general cleaning, yard work, errands,
and we are off.... it seems like the day is like a torpedo.
Once we are launched we land at dinner time with tired,
pleasantly tired, bodies and the house all heated up to
a toasty 80 plus. Not conducive to productivity.

I lounge around after dinner and never recuperate.

I have one last thing to repair on the kiln. The sitter tube and rod need to be replaced in order to house the cone properly. It will bend and shut the kiln off too early because the rod is bent and not working properly.

I am planning to get a new one tomorrow and then the only excuses I will have 
will be lame
It will be me and the clay and thats it.

we have been busy. 

After running, walking the dog and doing some
errands, we spent the day at the pool with a friend.
Afterwards we picked wine berries at her house,
a lot,
then we came home (5:00) 
and made lemonade berry slushies.
I made dinner, uploaded some photos,
got the boys to bathe (a rare occurrence)
and am now blogging 7:14)
I am hoping for an early bedtime for them.

(I am reading a great new book by Isabella Allende: 
Island Beneath the Sea. 
She is one of my favorite authors and I have been on
the waiting list at the library.
So far I love it.)

I need to make some concrete goals.
I am not a list maker. Never have been.
I am a dreamer though and sometimes my dreams
are wonderful and exciting and enduring.

I am ready to settle into a routine that includes my
basement studio.

Now I just have to do it.

Here are some images of our day.
We have a new diving board expert.
It took some serious bravery on his part but he is
"addicted" now!

How soon 'not now' becomes 'never' 
~ Martin Luther King Jr.

How true and scary and how motivating.

My you overcome a barrier today as I have plans to do myself.
Well, at least I have it in my plans for tomorrow.

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Your words inspire me to do and be more. So do your thoughts but I just can't read them yet! ;)